Frequently Asked Questions
What is ROP?
ROP stands for Regional Occupational Program, which is part of the State public education system that provides technical job training for high school juniors, seniors, and adults.
Who is eligible to enroll at Eden Area ROP?
The only qualification for adults enrolling in an R.O.P. course is to attend an orientation prior to registration. R.O.P. is open to all juniors, seniors currently enrolled in an educational school, and adults 16 years of age and older.
Are all ROPs the same? Do they offer the same classes?
There are 72 ROPs in the State of California. Each are operated differently and not affiliated with each other. Programs offered through each ROP differ according to the local employment demand.
Is bus transportation provided?
Yes - free of charge for high school students enrolled in an Eden Area ROP course at the Hayward Center. Buses transport students from their home school to the Hayward Center and return.
Can I earn college credit through Eden Area ROP?
Yes, some programs offers college credit and/or advanced placement units to students enrolled in Eden Area ROP courses that sequence into approved community college courses in the same occupational training area.
How do I enroll in an Eden Area ROP Course?
High school students sign up for ROP. at their regular programming time in early Spring. Students will be notified by mail that they have been enrolled at Eden Area ROP. During the summer, a letter will be sent home explaining the start of classes at the Center in August. Go to your counselor or guidance staff for pre-registration sign-up or call Eden Area ROP at (510)293-2943 for information or help.
What about earning high school credit?
All ROPs are fully accredited for high school credit as determined by the local high school. Some courses have also been approved to satisfy certain graduation requirements - approval varies with each district. All courses award credit based upon completion of course competencies, hours of attendance and passing grade.
What is the cost of an ROP course?
There is no cost for high school students. Adults pay a registration fee plus the cost of their materials and textbooks. ROP does not charge tuition.
Does ROP offer financial assistance?
No - as part of the public schools system, ROP is non profit; therefore, adults are responsible for covering their program costs.
What is career prep?
Career Prep is a sequence of classes starting in the 11th grade and targeted towards attainment of an Associate Degree at Chabot College and possible continuation at a four-year college. It involves curriculum integration, applying academic skills in practical situations. It is a parallel college preparatory program coordinating instruction with a common core of math, science, communication and technologies.
Cooperative Vocational Education (CO-OP Paid Work Experience)
Some R.O.P. courses offer students who can demonstrate sufficient job skill competence, the opportunity to gain paid on-the-job experience working part-time in related employment within the business community. R.O.P. courses that utilize the CO-OP component are:
Business & Finance Academy
Business Ownership & Management
Marketing Education
Will ROP find me a job?
There are no job placement services provided by Eden Area ROP.
Does Eden Area ROP offer GED classes?
Adult schools offer high school diploma and GED preparation classes. The focus of ROP is to provide technical training in preparation for employment, career advancement, job skills updating or to pursue higher education.
Does the Eden Area ROP offer guidance and counseling services?
Eden Area ROP offers a variety of services to potential and enrolled Eden Area ROP students. These support services include interest/aptitude assessment, career planning assistance, educational and occupational information and student follow-up.
Are there any Student Clubs or Organizations (CTSO) at Eden Area ROP?
Yes! Students enrolled in Eden Area ROP are encouraged to participate in a Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSOs) associated with their course. Students in a CTSO participate in organized competitions, develop leadership skills and meet with other students interested in their career field.
DECA - An Association of Marketing Students
SkillsUSA- A partnership of students, teachers and industry working together to ensure America has a skilled workforce
Do I have to attend class daily?
All students are required to attend their Eden Area ROP class every day unless officially excused.
Are Eden Area ROP courses offered during the summer?
In the spring, information will be available on courses offered through Eden Area ROP during the summer. Students must provide their own transportation. Successful completion of a summer ROP course may earn high school graduation credit based on hours of attendance and passing grade.
For additional information or questions:
High School Students call (510) 293-2973 or e-mail Jessica Fagundes
Adults call (510)293-2910 or e-mail Phyllis Trieu