Careers in Law, Forensics & Public Safety
Careers in Law, Forensics, and Public Safety I P introduces students to three different fields of study: Criminal Justice, Criminal Justice Operations, and Forensics.
Students are introduced to the history, structure, and function of the American legal system and learn criminal justice operations and procedures. They will use hands- on applications while learning forensic science and crime scene investigation methods.
Selection of skills and knowledge learned throughout the course:
- Participate in physical agility training as required by the police department
- People management and crowd control
- Processing a crime scene
- Conducting interviews
- Crime procedures and photography
- Introduction to crime scene investigation
- Physical evidence in solving crimes
- Dusting and lifting fingerprints
- Evidence collecting and processing methods
Students will explore current public safety career opportunities including as a sheriff’s tech, police aide, or in private security.
Careers in Law, Forensics, and Public Safety II P expands students’ knowledge, experience, and workplace readiness by assuming the leadership roles of manager, instructor and mentor.
Students will lead an investigative team in field operations, and lead drills that focus on the area of forensics.
Selection of skills and knowledge learned throughout the course:
- Lead investigation team and drills
- Further development of work ethics
- Methods of organization
- Leadership skills and mentoring first year students
- Greater appreciation of career development process
- Confidence in effective communication and interpersonal skills
- Problem solving
- Various uses of technology and its applications
Students will explore current public safety career opportunities including as a sheriff’s tech, police aide, or in private security.
- Students receive a total of 30 elective credits
- SLZUSD & HUSD students may receive a Science Credit (Must speak with school counselor)
- UC “g” Course Credit
- Students have the opportunity to participate in the Explorer Program with Hayward Police Department
- College credit available through Chabot College
- SkillsUSA Competition participation opportunity